Monday, August 30, 2010

Babies first power outage

I said I wasn't going to blog every night, and as if our first night home wasn't interesting enough, the babies experienced their first power outage this afternoon and evening. Jeff and I were just getting our feet wet (I think he said it was hour 25 of having them home), when our power went out. Normally a power outage is more annoying than anything else, but add in two brand new babies and it gets kind of rough. We tried waiting it out since the power company said it would be fixed by 8:35pm. We snuggled with the babies, and took them to meet their neighbor Max, but when 8:35 came and went with no power, we decided to pack up and head to gramma's. Fortunately Max (and his parents Ben and Emily) had a pack n' play we could use! By the time we got to Gramma's, got all unpacked and ready to eat, our power was back on. To make a long story short, we're home but thankful we had friends to lend us stuff, and a cool place to go.

1 comment:

  1. Not quite the way I envisoned the babies first visit to gramma's and they had no clue that they were even there, but i am glad that i was able to help their mommy and daddy! mi casa su casa!!
