Saturday, April 19, 2014

A week in April in Scottsdale

Usually when Coopy and I go to Scottsdale to visit Grammy and Pops, it's not for any special occasion.  I know we went for Pops' birthday back in January, but we thought that was the only special occasion we'd be celebrating in Scottsdale this year.  Turns out, we were wrong.  Me and Coopy and Mommy and Daddy just got back from spending the past week in Scottsdale celebrating Passover and Grammy's birthday.  (I'd blab about how old Grammy is now, but Mommy keeps telling me that "a lady never tells her age"...whatever, I'll tell anyone who asks that I'm 3 but apparently Mom thinks that'll change when I get older.)  It was an awesome trip!  We left early Saturday morning, and were super great flyers.

We both got to sit next to Mommy, while Daddy sat in an aisle seat a row behind us.  Lucky Mommy right?  Once we got to Grammy and Pops' house it was time to do some playing, after a nap of course.

When Uncle Evan and Aunt Amy showed up with Lauren we were ready for a fun week to begin!  We spent some time swimming with Daddy,

and I was a super awesome big cousin and spent a lot of time helping Lauren walk.

Before we knew it, it was time for the Seder.  We spent a lot of time in school learning about Passover, and did our best to help Pops lead the Seder,

but to be honest, it got a little long and we were pretty ready to eat.  The best part was finding the Afikomen.  It was a team effort to find it, but we were successful...especially since we were wearing our looking glasses.

All in all, it was a pretty great Seder.  We even posed for some fancy Passover pictures.

Before we even had time to get sick of Matzoh it was Grammy's birthday, and everyone knows you don't have to eat Matzoh on your (or your grammy's) birthday.  First, we went out to lunch and helped Grammy eat her special birthday cupcake.

And second, Gramma Lea, Papa, Uncle Arnie, Aunt Julie, Maggie and Gracie got into town and then we got to celebrate in style!  We had lots of yummy food, and even yummier cake, and spent lots of time hanging out with our family.  We went to the park and did some sliding,

and we played in the sand.

And before we went out to dinner for our last night at Grammy and Pops', we even let Aunt Julie take fancy pictures of all us kids with our grandparents and our great-grandparents.

Friday, it was finally time for us to go home.  We had a great trip, and an awesome visit with everyone, and it was really fun celebrating Grammy's birthday with her.  Before we left though, I made sure to get some extra pictures with Lauren and Gracie.

Being the three youngest cousins, we have to stick together :-).  Happy birthday Grammy!  We know we'll never forget your...milestone day!  We love you!

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