Turkey apple sweet potato baby food, followed by strawberries, blueberries, puffs, chicken pieces, frozen celery, banana mum mums, and cheesy mashed potatoes, ending with ice cream sandwich.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
For our birthday, Gramma Betti and Pops got us these awesome trikes, and this weekend Daddy finally put them together. We love them! See?
We also love Daddy's smoked ribs. Big kid food is awesome!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
As me and Ella are getting older, we're starting to realize that there's a whole ton of food out there that Mom and Dad have been keeping from us. And you know what else? It's a whole lot better than baby food! So far this week, we've discovered that we really really love: cheesy mashed potatoes,
frozen veggie blends (like carrots and corn and green beans and peas)

and spaghetti.

We're really good eaters...as long as Mommy and Daddy stop feeding us baby mush!
Monday, June 20, 2011
We love going on vacation. We're very good travelers you see. I always make sure to clear security like a big girl.

And I like to play Pacman. I'm really very good you see.
Sometimes we have to take a bus to get to our cars. It's always important to hold on tight.

The very best part about being on vacation is staying in hotels. We just love eating and playing on the floor!

It's even better when our hotel has a swimming pool. Daddy helped us jump into the pool lots.
I think by the end of the summer we'll have perfect 10.0 cannon balls!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Sometimes when something really great and exciting happens, like a yummy snack or Daddy coming home from work, you just have to cheer.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Today we turned one. It was AWESOME! We had a party with our friends and our grandparents and ribs and cake and balloons and cake. It was so much fun. First Mommy dressed up in our birthday monster shirts, put Ella in her tutu, and made us take pictures. She said she wanted to get us looking cute before we got messy.
After pictures we got to play. We love playing. Before our friends came over, we did some playing with our grammas and Pops. They're great for playing because they let us do whatever we want...especially now that we're one. Like Gramma Polly always lets Ella and me pull on her hair.

And Gramma Betti gives us lots of kisses.

And Pops? He's like one big playground that moves and stuff!

Once our friends came over, we did some playing with them. It was so nice of everyone to come and play on our birthday with us.
Did you know that when you're one and you get fussy at dinner and you scream and cry a lot, Daddy will give you ribs?

Yeah...me neither. Being one is so great! Want to know what else is great about being one? Cake. It's delicious! See?
We even liked the sink baths Mommy and Daddy made us take after we made cake messes.
It's hard to believe we're finally one. Thank you to everyone that came to our party and celebrated our birthday with us! We had a blast!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Me too! Me too!
I didn't want to be left out or nothing, so today I sprouted a puppy tooth too!
AND I found a new teething toy...just so I have something to chew on to help the others come in.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Puppy teeth
WOOF! It's me, Caddie. Mom and Dad sometimes ask me to blog...just incase I have anything to say. I tell them "Of course I have something I want to say!" You see, I want to tell everyone how sucky it is to have babies because all they do is pull on my fur, and roll into me and take my favorite spots on the floor and on the couch! And they don't share their toys and I get in trouble for eating all their food, even though they drop it for me. And then Mom usually says something stupid like "Caddie, if you're not going to say anything nice about your babies, then we're not going to let you say anything at all." So that's why you usually don't hear from me. But tonight I wanted to tell everyone about puppy teeth. I remember when my first puppy tooth fell out, Mommy sang a song about it. It went something like "Caddie lost a puppy tooth today..." Well, if they were so excited for mine to fall out, why the heck are they so excited about Ella's first puppy tooth coming in??
Photo shoot
Today, me and Ella got to be in a photo shoot. Our friends Scott and Jess came to take some pictures of us, because we're turning one you know. Want to know the best part? It was Scott's birthday today so Mommy went to get donuts...but I think they were for us to eat and not for him. :-) We really like donuts you see. After the donuts it was picture time...and we did great! Mommy and Daddy said they'll get the real pictures in a few weeks, but fortunately Anne was there to sneak some, so I could give you a preview. Don't I look cute with my mommy?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The last two days have been hot hot hot! Too hot even for walking or playing outside. Normally we wouldn't be complaining, but we babies have gotten used to being outside and stuff. Yesterday, when we woke up from our naps, there was a wading pool in our backyard to help us beat the heat.
We loved it! Even Max came over to play when he got home from daycare. It's a pretty great addition to our already pretty awesome backyard.
Today is even hotter than yesterday. Too hot to even swim Mommy said. So instead, Mommy took us to visit Gramma Polly at her office. We thought we'd help her get some work done. We're pretty good at making bond issue phone calls and messing up her desk.
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