Want to know what's way more fun as a toddler than as a baby? Halloween! We'll admit, thanks to Liz we've had a pretty good lead up, but the actual day? AMAZING! We started the day as skeletons,

and because we were so skinny that you could see our bones, Mommy gave us some cookie for breakfast.

We made sure to be super extra good, and even took 3+ hour naps. Amazing what a little "nourishment" will do for a couple of skeletons! Then Liz made us cupcakes, so we got those, with fruit and hotdogs for snack.
It was truly a spectacular combination. And then after another cookie for dinner,
it was time to put on our costumes.
Max even came over to take pictures with us! He was a monster, Ella was a duck, and I was a shark.
Clearly I was the most terrifying. Then Mommy and Daddy took us trick-or-treating. That was just ok. I think it'll be more fun next year when we can actually eat the candy we got.
By bedtime, not only were we exhausted, but we weren't so skeletal anymore! :-)