Baby-wise, today was a pretty uneventful day. Eloise had a recheck brain ultrasound and everything looks good. Both babies are growing like weeds! Ella is 2lb 5.5oz, and Coop is 2lb 6oz! These last few days have been the first in which both have consistently put on weight, as opposed to bouncing up and down. Hopefully this is a sign of more weight gain to come.
Gramma Betti and Pops came for a visit today. It was great to see them, and they got to touch and "hold" both babes. It was great to see the smiles on their faces when we told them that they could, and while we know Coop and Ella enjoyed themselves, I think the happiest people were Gramma and Pops.
We also got some adorable sleeping baby pictures...there's no doubt who's kids they are! :-)

I'm still in the clouds. It was a wonderful visit and I can't wait to come back.