Cousin Maggie wanted to do some singing with Ella tonight.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
We hear it's a big game today. We thought we'd get our cheers in know, incase we get grumpy and fall asleep.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Today is my daddy's birthday. To help him celebrate, we slept late! Coopy slept until 8, while me, Eloise, I slept until 9! We're pretty good sleepers when we want to be. It was a good thing we slept in this morning because Mommy had big plans for us for Daddy's birthday. First, she made us wear these matching onesies and then she insisted on taking picture after picture of us.
Then she said, "Babies, let's make Daddy a cake." It's a good thing I'm a good helper, because there was a lot of work to do. Coopy just got to hold the measuring cup, but me, Eloise, I got to stir and mix stuff.

Then we decided we'd better let Mommy finish and clean up...she makes such a big mess when she cooks. Here's what our cake looked like before Mommy and Daddy ate it...maybe next year we'll get some cake too. Stupid no teeth!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like...Daddy's birthday!
Since it's almost my Daddy's birthday, I wanted to show him that I want to be just like him when I grow up.
Stupid Ella, she just wants to wear tutus all day long...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A little perspective from Mommy
160 days ago, the babies looked like this:
80 days ago, they looked like this:

Today...80 days later, they look like this:
Yep, our little ones have now been home for as long as they were in the hospital. Unbelievable how far they've come!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Snow-namis and other weekend adventures
Hi's me Coopy. I've had it pretty rough today, so Mommy said she'd let me write the blog post for the weekend. First of all guys, it snowed yesterday...a lot. Now I don't really know what snow is, and Mommy said that me and Ella couldn't go play in it because we were too small, but it sure looked like fun. Mommy said that even though we couldn't go outside, she'd still dress us up like snow bears...I'm not sure it was quite the same thing.
Daddy was pretty lucky yesterday because he got to spend the whole day playing in the snow! He'll probably tell you that he was working, and not having fun, but I don't believe him because every time he came inside he looked like he'd been playing really hard! I think Daddy felt bad for us not being able to play with the snow, so he got us new playmats. Ella really liked hers.

Sometimes she gets so worn out from playing, she just falls asleep...but not very often.

Me, Coopy...I'm not too sold on mine yet.

But I did get to lay around without pants on yesterday...that basically made up for the not being able to play in the snow and stuff. Pretty much, I love laying around with no pants on.

Today we got to be monsters. It was pretty awesome.
I thought we looked pretty cute, but Daddy got so scared that he tried to cook me!!

Good thing Mommy was there to save me and put me in my swing.

I think the only reason Daddy didn't try to cook Ella too was because she was napping...even monsters have to sleep sometime.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ella is a Tattletale
In case any of you were wondering I can write on the blog too. Ella was making up stories about me. I would never fuss at lunch. All the chicks loved me, but I am not sure about all of this hanging out with girls stuff. Maybe this weekend Dad and I can watch football with Max and his dad.
That is all for now
That is all for now
Lunch date
Today me and Coopy had our first lunch date. I think it was appropriate, as we are 5 months old. I was a good girl at lunch. Since I'm the oldest, I set a good example for my friends Mikaia and Lola by sleeping and being my generally calm and well behaved self. Because I was so good, Mommy took me out of my car seat and let me show everyone how good of a sitter I am. It was pretty amazing. Mommy had high hopes for Coopy. Since he was the only boy at lunch, Mommy thought he'd be on his best behavior so he could impress the ladies. Mommy was very wrong. Coopy was very naughty at lunch...he screamed and screamed and I don't think the girls liked him very much. Maybe that's why he was so sad.
Anyway...when we came home we were both so tired from lunch that we napped...hard. Obviously being a good example takes a lot of hard work, and I guess in Coopy's case screaming is really tiring.

Then when Daddy came home, he praised me for being such a good girl at's hard to be perfect like me Eloise.

Monday, November 8, 2010
Eloise is taking over!
Hi's me, Eloise.

Today me and Coopy had to get shots. The nurse came to our house and everything! We got weighed and Coopy weighs 12lbs 3ozs!!! I'm much lighter...I only weigh 12lbs 2ozs. The shot hurt...a lot, but Mommy is taking good care of us.
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