Saturday, August 21, 2010

Planning our escape...

No word yet on when our little munchkins will be sprung, but both spent some time checking out all the possible exits today. Now that they're both off of oxygen it's much easier to take them out to see the rest of the unit, so both Coop and Ella got to stroll around with Mom and Dad. While it's nice to get out of the room with them, it's really just a tease because we can't go very far.

As for how the babies are doing well, things are pretty much status quo. Ella is now over 6lbs and continues to amaze us with how well she's bottling. Cooper is growing and still learning how to bottle like his sister. He did, however, do something that Ella has yet to accomplish: he took a smelly poop while Gramma Polly was holding him. As you can imagine, he was more please with himself than we were with him. :-) We just need them to keep on this path of improvements and hopefully we'll have the best anniversary present (an early one would be even better!) in getting both our little ones home!

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